
Wege aus der Pandemie: zur Neubestimmung des Verhaeltnisses von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft

Policy Brief Dezember 2021

Dare to know, dare to tell, dare to play

Approaching Religion, Vol. 1/ 2 (November, 2011), Aboagora: Between Arts and Sciences

Turku, 15-18 August 2011

From the voyage of the Beagle to Sorcerer II:
What kind of transfomation?

University of Zurich, Darwin in Science and Society

Zurich, September 2009

Frontier Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities:
what does it mean, what can it mean?

ISSC-ICPHS workshop Bergen

Bergen, May 2009

Innovationskultur - zur Produktion neuen Wissens

AutoUni Wolfsburg, " Wie Neues entsteht - Innovationskultur als Unternehmenskultur"

February 2007

Putting the "limits of science" into context

"Knowledge Production and its Constraints: epistemic and societal considerations", Gulbenkian Foundation

Lisbon, October 2007

Real science is excellent science - how to interpret post-academic science, Mode 2 and the ERC

First published in: JCOM - Journal of Science Communication 5 (4), [http://jcom.sissa.it]

December 2006

Science policy advice

Seminar "Scientific Advice and Policy Making: Where Are We Heading?", Gulbenkian Foundation

Lisbon, January 2008

The Passions and the Interests: what has STS to say about climate change

University of Copenhagen, Workshop on "Science Studies Meet Climate Change"

Copenhagen, April 2009

The Potential of Transdisciplinarity

First published in: interdisciplines, [http://www.interdisciplines.org]

May 2006

The search for quality: a (pre)view of 21st century education and research in universities in Europe

PASOK, Round Tabel discussion "Tertiary education in Greece: The preconditions for a modern university"

March 2009