Invited Lectures


The power of knowledge and its limitations

ERC Symposium, K. U. Leuven

Leuven, 8 December

Strategy, challenges and prospects for the European Research Council

Information meeting on the 2012 ERC calls for proposals for Advanced & Synergy Grant, University of Leuven

Leuven 8 December

The place of the social sciences in a world of our making

IGS Symposium “Social Science in Context – Thematic and Institutional Perspectives”, University of Twente

Twente, 24 November

Auf der Suche nach Exzellenz! Wieviel Evaluierung verträgt das Wissenschaftssystem?

Göttinger Universitätsrede - Wissenschaft und Verantwortung

Göttingen, 23 November

Die Technik in uns - (mindestens) drei Gründe für Genderforschung an einer technischen Universität

15 Jahre ZIFG an der Technischen Universität Berlin

Berlin, 18 November

Which are the next walls to fall?

Falling Walls Conference 2011

Berlin, November 9

Why “curiosity driven” science? The “Usefulness of useless research”

Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first Solvay Conference on Physics

Brussels, October 18

People, Institutions and Public Life: An Unfinished Agenda for Social Sciences and Humanities Knowledge Production

The Public Mission of the Social Sciences and Humanities: Transformation and Renewal

Berlin, September 16-17

Complex Systems - a niche for scientists or a need for society ?

European Conference on Complex Systems

Vienna, September 12-16

The ERC past achievements, remaining challenges

the EMBO meeting

Vienna, September 10-13 2001

„Frontier technologies“ – ein Tor zur Zukunft

Forum Alpbach, Alpbacher Technologiegespräche

Alpbach, August 23-28 2011

The power of ideas and their limitations

Aboagora Between Arts and Sciences

Turku, August 15-18 2011

Soziale Innovation: die sozio-technische Gestaltung der Gesellschaft

Wissenswelten Metropole Ruhr 2011

Dortmund, July 15 2011

Strategy, challenges and prospects for the European Research Council

ERC Conference, Promoting Excellence in Research in Europe

Budapest, June 20 2011

The Brain Prize Award Ceremony

Copenhagen, May 2 2011

British Sociological Association Annual Conference

London School of Economics

London, April 6-8 2011

Peer Review Practices and Risk taking in Funding Path-breaking Research

Research Workshop, Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

Stockholm, April 1 2011

Health, a right for all human beings, at any price?

Forum BioVision, The World Life Sciences Forum

Lyon, March 27-29 2011

The power of knowledge and its limitations

The Centenary Conference "Preparing for the Future" University of Porto

Porto, March 24-25 2011

Crossing Boundaries and Opening Borders: The European Research Council as Innovation

AAAS Annual Meeting

Washington, DC. February 17-21 2011

Die Humboldt-Universität und die Exzellenzinitiative: Ein Blick von außen

Humboldt Universität, Kick-off-Veranstaltung Exzellenzinitiative

Berlin, February 1 2011

Vulnerability and sustainability of "impact" seen from the persepective of the European Research Council

"The Impact Agenda" University of Manchester

Manchester, January 12 2011

The Power of Ideas and Their Limitations

Knowledge, Imagination, Democracy: Honoring Professor Yaron Ezrahi´s Work, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

Jerusalem, January 5-6 2011